Others' Sighs


The rain on the leaves
Pull branches down in my face
Making my cheeks wet

As I walk to the car
After work, eager for home
Afternoon sunshine

Peeking through dark clouds
Reflecting off dripping leaves
Puddles shimmering

The dry summer earth
Sucking in the rain, grateful
Thirsty trees rejoice

I'm sure this has killed
My ballgame; now bored again
No one to be with

Another evening
Quiet apartment, TV
Too much time to think

This was not the plan
I would find someone happy
But not yet...not yet

Running out of time
Need to start being happy
With just me alone

What makes me happy?
Want to understand my worth
Look forward, not back

Look for the meaning
The rain, the sunlight, the earth
How do I fit in?

Am I like a bug?
Birth to death, crawling around,
Not worth anything?

I need to be more!
Or does the earth speak to me
And I need to learn to hear?

To calmly listen
To the earth as she whispers
And be smart enough

To absorb it all
Like the earth takes in the rain
Nourishing, loving

Becoming part of
The energy of Mother
Earth; the touch of God.

I will start thinking
Instead of watching tv
Being bored with life

Go out, find meaning
Touch the earth, watch the sunset
Look for it all and

Find it inside.

-don essex 10/2012

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