Others' Sighs

Stand Tall

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
For years of adversity have steeled you and made you
strong for the fight.

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
You're courageous and compassionate,
and for this they call you beloved.

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
The silence of loss and sheer bliss of personal discovery,
awakening, have stoked a raging fire within you,
making you pure and white.

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
For you have endured the passage of time and fiery darts.
You have passed through the fire and walked out on the other side.
You have survived!

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
For you have the knowledge that looking up - to Creator, having faith –
Looking up – into the horizon –
Is the answer to your greatest joy!

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
For you have learned that all you've ever needed,
has been inside you since the beginning of time.

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
For you have the knowing, that Truth inside you,
that speaks to your very soul and says –
We are all connected. We are all related.

Stand tall, beautiful woman, stand proud!
Stand tall, stand proud!
For you've finally come to that place in your journey
Where you can say with a clean breath from the depths of your soul
I am beautiful!! Indeed, I AM!

Written By Lisa

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