
hey you guys! just a really quick shout out cause i'm too excited and want to gather all of you that i can!

zakk came up with a great idea of a weekly email that i can send out that's all pretty and filled with stuff from the week - it could
include a latest product, of course, but also things like something really moving that happened within the group here, maybe we could have a compassion corner. anyone need light sent their way, we could shout out for it! i can pop in some quotes to inspire, maybe include a thought that's been runnin' around that needs sharing. who knows what all! and it'd change every week. but the main idea would be to stay in touch better and to work on spreading light.

want to join me? i'm thinking it would send out on thursdays and would just be a collection of whatever felt right that week. we can try it and tweak it as we go. you can sign up for it and there won't be any strings to anything else. no spam. and you can unsub whenever you like.

i really hope you'll join me. if you want to, you can sign up right here!

squeezin' your hand,


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